Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Acoustic Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Lead Guitar
Electric Guitar (jazz]
Voice Oohs
Drum Kit
Bass Guitar
Electric Bass (finger]
A-bout as sub-tle as an earth-quake I know my mis-takes were made for you and in the back room of a bad dream she came and whisked me aw-ay en-thused and it\'s as so-lid as a rock rol-ling down a hill the fact is that it prob-\'ly will hit some-thing on the haz-ar-dous ter-rain- and we\'re just fol-lo-wing the flock round and in bet-ween be-fore we\'re smashed to smi-the-reens like they were and we scram-bled from the blame- and it\'s the fame that put words in her mouth she coul-dn\'t help but spit \'em out in-no-cence and ar-ro-gance en-twined in the fil-thi-est of minds she was bit-ten on her birth-day and now a face in the crowd she\'s not and I sus-pect that now for-ev-er the shape she came to es-cape its for-got and it\'s a lot to ask her not to sting and give her less than ev-\'ry-thing a-round your croo-ked con-cious she will wind cause we\'re just fol-lo-wing the flock round and in bet-ween be-fore we smash to smi-the-reens like they were and we scram-ble from the blame- and it\'s the fame that put words in her mouth she coul-dn\'t help but spit \'em out a-round your croo-ked con-cious she will wind and it\'s a lot to ask her not to sting and give her less than ev-\'ry-thing in-no-cence and ar-ro-gance en-twined